Roots Association is a non-profit organization providing educational art and sport practice to at risks kids in destitute areas around the world through local NGOs
How do we work?
Support local and young artists / athletes / social workers
We work with - and train - and learn from - young social workers / artists / athletes to monitor Roots program on site along the year. We support their work financially not only in a long term vision or to compensate for the usual lack of resources invested in the cultural and sporting fields but also to empower talented and passionated youth to embrace social, artistic or sportive career.
We also remunerate each member of the Roots teams for their investment of time and energy, not only to guarantee the sustainability and quality of our projects and collaboration, but also to promote their unique skills.
We believe and experienced art and sport practice are essential pillars of mental health en life balance. Art and sport practice can be strong messages and values vectors, especially for kids.
We collaborate with local NGOs, their team and beneficiaries at the closest to the field. We create art and sport workshops and programs accordingly to their needs and concrete possibilities. We choose simple, realistic and local ressources to reach our education and awareness goals.
Art and sport practice as a powerful educational and healing tool
Valayapatti, November 2023
Women Empowerment
Roots one of the main priorities is obviously women & girls empowerment. Destitute area, conflict zone, climate change touched countries, are even more inclined to violence and diktats of patriarchy against women. Educating the new generations and giving voice and space to the actuals ones are a part of Roots aims.

Women's Art Workshop in December 2023 at Antenna Trust Campus - reflecting about Indian women's situation and self independence through drawings and colors.
Women's Day Workshop in February 2024 - slackline self confidence activities and cathartic painting spreading about own struggles and pressure of the Indian society on women.
Valayapatti's Slackline Club, February 2024 - girls setting up the spot for the evening training. In this sport gender and ages are equals, which give a safe space to reshape roles and give these kids the opportunity to just be all kids. During slackline trainings, the barriers of casts and society fall and reshape mind to a more fair together-living.
Valayapatti, November 2023
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.